Patriotism through my eyes
Patriotism is like a tree. Like a wise old willow tree that nobody understands. It is watered by those fallen in wars. It is fertilized by simple acts we do every day like saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the National Anthem at sporting events. The trees in the forest grow in earth but this tree specifically cultivates from the goodness of our hearts. The seed to this sapling is growing in the depths of our souls and makes us all patriots.
Most people might think that patriotism means dying for their country. That it means going to war and getting shot. It is so much more than that. All you need to have to be a patriot is a strong heart that is ready to stand up for your country. Every time you stand up to say the pledge in the morning before school you are being a patriot. When you go to a football game and they play the Star Spangled banner before the kickoff. Anytime you stand to pay your respects to the flag, you are showing extreme admiration towards your country.
So you know who a patriot is, why does it matter? Well the answer is simple. Who runs the government? The president does. What if the president wasn’t patriotic, would he or she want to be in office? Maybe, but not likely. Who helps the president? The senate does. Would they want a position there if they weren’t patriotic? I wouldn’t. There wouldn’t be a government to run us. We would all be chaotic individuals running around with no rules. It would be horrible to live like that- with no patriotism. Even though I didn’t mention all of them, there are so many more ways that our country could fall apart without patriotism.
So now you know why patriotism matters. Next time think of the promises that you are making to your country when you stand to say the pledge. Think about the people that are doing a great service to this country when you sing the Star-Spangled Banner. Most of all remember that everyone is a patriot, even you.