Author's Note;
It is often hard to give up the joy of childhood but eventually we all need to. Don't feel like I'm trying to insult the book or the author. I don't mind if you have a different opinion, in fact I would really like to hear it.
In life there is one thing that no matter how much we wish it isn't, it is always here, haunting our every move. It's name is reality. To be out of tune with it makes you vulnerable to pain, deep, depressing pain of which nobody can relieve you of. To live with reality by your side rather than behind your back you will take major steps in life and never will you have to worry about tripping because you have reality to help you up. In that age we call childhood reality simply doesn't exist, as with Tom Sawyer. Nightmares are over as soon as the morning sun shines through your window. Unfortunately childhood ends and eventually we must accept that otherwise you just might just be reality's next target.
It is often hard to give up the joy of childhood but eventually we all need to. Don't feel like I'm trying to insult the book or the author. I don't mind if you have a different opinion, in fact I would really like to hear it.
In life there is one thing that no matter how much we wish it isn't, it is always here, haunting our every move. It's name is reality. To be out of tune with it makes you vulnerable to pain, deep, depressing pain of which nobody can relieve you of. To live with reality by your side rather than behind your back you will take major steps in life and never will you have to worry about tripping because you have reality to help you up. In that age we call childhood reality simply doesn't exist, as with Tom Sawyer. Nightmares are over as soon as the morning sun shines through your window. Unfortunately childhood ends and eventually we must accept that otherwise you just might just be reality's next target.
Wouldn't we all love to live a life with no troubles, with no pain or sorrow? We all know that our days on this earth are numbered and to live them to their fullest, so why give up all your hopes and dreams from childhood when you reach a certain age? The answer is simply this; the world is a cruel place and to have people take you seriously you need to live in reality, not dreamland. Tom Sawyer is the perfect child in all ways shapes and forms, and to him, life is an adventure, a treasure yet to be discovered a land soon to be inhabited. He is the child that everyone wishes they were with no sense of discipline, only wanting more than the world could give him. When Tom and Huck return home after running away and leading everyone to believe they are dead they are welcomed with open arms and gratitude thick with hugs and kisses. A discipline would be unthinkable, I mean after all they did come home, but the true question to ask is why. Why did they come home? They wanted what every child seems to want more of: attention. In this book, what Tom wants, Tom gets, but in real life, if you live by that moral, you would only be looked down upon by others as the selfish one who never grew up
Although childhood is often of our lives there is a time when you just have to grow up and think normally. Unfortunately those of us who lived the perfect childhood find it almost impossible to leave it all in the past. Huck Finn seems to be surviving alone on the food that others give him and the education that he catches from his friends. Later in life there will be no widow to take him in or to offer him supper. There is just no patience in today's time to accept people like that, nobody wants to feed a full grown man as they would a child. Deprived of an education as a child will lead a very unpleasant future. Becky doesn't see wrong, to her everyone is perfect, every moment is perfect, even in the toughest of times she sees through the eyes of innocence. It is almost like Santa Claus, it I cute as a child, but eventually people just tell you to grow up. To see everything as perfect will most certainly annoy those around you as the world is not perfect, far from it. Tom has had no discipline, his line between right and wrong has been scratched and crossed so many times he won't even know where it is anymore. As an adult a direct knowing of right and wrong is necessary and self discipline is key. There is nobody to tell you that you shouldn't rob a bank just because you think that it would be fun, or inform you that putting a worm in your bosses lunch will get you fired. People like the characters in this book don't get very far in life, and they end up irresponsible obnoxious human beings rather than cute children.
Time in general is simply an afterthought in a child's mind, they don’t need clocks or watches because they have people to tell them when it is time. Time only interrupts playtime and play overrules all other factors in a fantasy . Later is nonexistent for there is only now and to live each day like your last without a care in the world. There are no days, weeks, years, there is only now, and now is forever , and forever is now.
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