Monday, December 5, 2011

Would you Rather??

Authors Note:  This is a twist on those annoying little Would You Rather- cards.  I think that these two settings perfectly capture the human's ideal world.  We all want to take the easy way out.  Everyone wishes they had perfection.  Sometimes I do too, but when you read the last line- think about it.  The obvious choice is not always the right one.  Comment with your answer. 

The bus bounces over hills and valleys , scales mountains, floats over rivers, each mile another lost memory.  The clouds snake across the sky and the sun plays hide and seek with the earth.  One moment sunny and gorgeous, the next dark and revealing.  Town after town disappears back with the horizon.  City lights come to life in the night and fall asleep suddenly once the sun shows its face.  Some of the passengers constantly have their faces squished up against the windows, while others sleep like babies through everything and anything.  Lastly there are the bouncy exited people that can never seem to take in the fact that they are actually going somewhere.  They can’t help it when their smiley little mouths come unhinged  and their tongues loll out in awe.  They look like dogs but are much more interesting than the sleepy sweaty ones.   The cozy seats look so pleasant and soft.  The lights in the ceiling never falter like the sun sometimes does.  The bathroom is always open.  The driver is always pleasant.  No one shouts, no one disturbs on another.  People say  excuse me and thank you.  No one is ever hungry.  It is perfection.  Constant serenity.  Peace.  Simply nothing. 

The fight was just starting to heat up.  There were two older men, obviously intoxicated, swinging madly at one another, only managing to make contact every other punch.  People averted their eyes when they saw the men.  Parents pushed their curious little kids along the street pretending not to notice the chaos.  Homeless people on the corners cheered the men on and one scraggly old geezer had even tried to start a round of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" but the chant died out as soon as it started.  Eventually the scuffle broke apart when a nearby police officer decided it was time to put an end to the disturbing entertainment.  The men were dragged off kicking and screaming by the officer and the spectators began to disperse to their separate ways .  It was insecure.  It was violent, but it was surely something. 

Which do you choose?

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